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AUA Inside Tract – Episode 217

Voices: DEI initiatives and the Importance of Mentorship

Today’s podcast episode is part of the “Voices” series and is brought to you by the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. Dr. Pamela Coleman, associate professor of urology in the department of surgery and OBGYN at Howard University College of Medicine, sits down with Dr. Denise Asafu-Adjei, director of male reproductive medicine and assistant professor in the department of urology and the department of public health sciences at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, to discuss the impact of DEI programs within urology and education as a whole and mentorship among underrepresented members of the urology community.

To learn more about Dr. Asafu-Adjei's involvement in diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, both nationally and at an institution-level, read her AUANews Voices column

