![AUA2022 – Speakers](/AUA2022/images/AUA2022/headers/Speakers.jpg)
Thank you for your participation as a moderated poster speaker at the 2022 AUA Annual Meeting. Poster sessions are designed to permit the author to explain and illustrate his/her concepts, techniques, or research findings in a more visual manner than a podium address. Authors are expected to be present during the entire session, which will be moderated.
- Poster Format
- Presentation Schedules
- Uploading Your Poster
- Printing and Picking Up Your Poster
- Poster Set-Up
- Poster Preparation Tips
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Poster Format
- New Session Format – Each poster session will be 1 hour and 15 minutes in length.
- Each poster presenter is required to pre-submit 2 slides (maximum) for the oral portion of their presentation:
- 1 abstract data (this slide is typically a replica of the abstract poster, the written abstract, or the most important information from the abstract/poster the presenter plans to highlight)
- 1 research summary (this slide is meant to highlight any of the research/methods used in obtaining the data for the abstract) to be shown during their 1-minute presentation (see A/V requirements below).
- A cover slide with the abstract title is permitted and will not count towards the 2-slide maximum. Given the brief time allotment for presentation, disclosure slide(s) are not needed.)
- Posters will be on display in the Poster Gallery (located in Hall B) for the full day on which your abstract is presented. Your poster may be mounted on its designated board beginning at 6:30 a.m. and collected by 6:30 p.m. before the Poster Gallery closes. (Author presence is not required in the Poster Gallery while posters are on display)
- During the session, each presenter will have 1 minute to present and 2 minutes for discussion. Your poster will also be displayed digitally in the session room (on a separate screen) during your presentation.
- The moderators will provide a 5-10 minute summary of the session at the conclusion of the session and choose a "Best Poster" for the session.
Presentation Schedules
Beginning of day |
Posters scheduled for presentation should be hung for display in the Poster Hall |
First 5 minutes of session |
Moderator introductions |
Next 60 minutes - Presentations |
1-minute presentation followed by a 2-minute question and answer period for each presenter |
Last 5-10 minutes |
Moderator session summary & selection of Best Poster |
Session Concludes |
Uploading Your Poster
Mira's poster upload site will open in March 14, 2022, when you will receive an email from them with instructions on how to do so.
File Format Guidelines
We recommend uploading a high-resolution PDF (with image resolution of 300 dpi or greater).
If you have any questions regarding your presentation, please email speakers@AUAnet.org.
Printing and Picking Up Your Poster
Mira Digital Publishing is offering special pricing on poster printing services, including the convenience of shipping your poster directly to the Convention Center for an on-site delivery fee of $25.00. The cost to print the poster is as follows:
- 60" x 42" (152cm x 107cm) – $80.00
- 66" x 36" (168cm x 91cm) – $80.00
- 72" x 36" (183cm x 91cm) – $90.00
- 72" x 42" (183cm x 107cm) – $90.00
Please visit Mira Digital to upload and/or print your poster.
After logging on to the site, click the "Upload File" link next to your submission title to begin and then select "Submit File and Print." If you have already uploaded your file for online viewing you will click the link called "Print this Poster" under the action column to begin the purchase process.
The Deadline for uploading your poster file, for print by MIRA, is April 22, 2022 at 5 p.m. Eastern.
Poster Pickup
If you choose to have your poster shipped directly to the conference, printed posters are available for pick-up at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center.
Hours of Operation – Poster Pick-Up Kiosk
Friday, May 13 |
6:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. |
Saturday, May 14 |
6:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. |
Sunday, May 15 |
6:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. |
Monday, May 16 |
6:30 a.m.-2 p.m. |
After logging on to the site, click the "Upload File" link next to your submission title to being and then selected "Submit File and Return Home."
If you require further assistance with poster printing, please call Mira's Tech Support line at 866-341-9589 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Central Time (14:00 to 23:00 GMT), Monday through Friday. This is a U.S. number. If you have any questions regarding your presentation, please email speakers@AUAnet.org.
Poster Set-Up
- Posters will be set up in the Poster Hall and grouped by session
- Each poster has been assigned a publication number (example MP01-01, MP29-19) – you can locate this number on the Conference Harvester or by contacting speakers@AUAnet.org
- The abstract number should be displayed on your poster
- Posters must be removed at the end of the presentation day by no later than 6:30 p.m. – AUA is not responsible for posters that are not promptly removed
- Supplemental materials are not required, but you may provide information sheets to fellow conference attendees. Please remove these materials once you have completed your presentation
- AUA is not responsible for supplemental materials that are not promptly removed
Equipment Provided
The AUA will provide the following during the session:
- One 4' high by 8' long tackboard mounted on a frame
- Pushpins (please leave pushpins on board at the conclusion of your session)
Poster Preparation Tips
- DO indicate the abstract number, title of the presentation and its authors. The lettering should be at least 1" high
- DO use block lettering (at least ½" high) for other portions of your presentation to add emphasis and easy readability
- DO use large typescript (using Bulletin type font) if posting a copy of your abstract
- DO keep illustrative material simple in using charts, graphs, drawings and pictures. Remember that illustrations must be viewed from 3 to 5 feet
- DO use matte (silk) finish for photographs. This will help diminish glare
- DO number each piece and put in place sequentially
- DO make captions brief, levels few and both clear
- DO make posters as self-explanatory as possible
- DO provide descriptive handouts if useful to attendees
- DO NOT mount abstracts on heavy board (this does not hang properly)
- DO NOT be overly ornate or artsy (this distracts from impact of your information)
- DO NOT use projection equipment (no electricity or equipment will be supplied)
- DO NOT use trans illumination (poster sessions are just what they mean)
- DO NOT write or paint on the tackboard used as background for your poster (someone will be using the tackboard after you)
- DO NOT use sticky tape to mount poster material (this will damage the board; pushpins will be provided)
- DO NOT make posters elaborate or costly, although it is necessary for posters to be made professionally
- DO NOT consider posters as scientific exhibits (poster sessions consist of presentations that will be more effective using this format)
Some color combinations that provide better contrast are:
- Black on yellow
- Black on orange
- Green on white
- Red on white
- White on black
A suggested arrangement for easy viewing is illustrated below:
If you have questions not answered in the FAQs, please contact speakers@AUAnet.org.
Upload Your Presentation
Presentations can be submitted in advance of the meeting via the Conference Harvester (email with login information to be sent out in late-March 2022) or onsite in New Orleans at the Speaker Ready Room.