Resident Debate FAQs
Q: Who is eligible to participate in The Great Debate?
A: The Great Debate is open to residents within the AUA Section boundaries. Residents must be AUA members to participate.
Q: How are participants selected for The Great Debate?
A: AUA Sections conduct their own selection process for choosing participants.
Q: How can I participate in The Great Debate for 2023?
A: You can send an email to your Section's Residents and Fellows Committee representative regarding your interest. Email rescommittee@AUAnet.org to obtain that information.
Q: What are the prizes for The Great Debate?
A: Each participant will receive a certificate. The winning residents of each debate will receive a trophy, and the grand debate champion will receive a plaque and a cash prize.
Q: Who submits the topics for The Great Debate?
A: Recognized experts in their field will submit topics of interest.
Q: Is there a stipend provided to the participants of The Great Debate?
A: Yes, a stipend is provided to each participating debater.
Q: How can I view the format and rules of The Great Debate?
A: Read more about the format and rules.