Young urologists – urologists who have been in practice for ten years or less – make up more than 15% of AUA's membership. In addition to the Meeting's robust scientific and course program, AUA2024 features a selection of programming for early-career urologists that aims to explore the unique perspectives, experiences and goals of this audience.
Pre-Meeting Program: Thursday, May 2
AUA/SUO Program – Presented by the AUA in partnership with the Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO)
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Henry B. González Convention Center, 221B
Designed for residents, fellows, APPs and Urologists as well as other health care providers who care for patients with prostate cancer, this interactive forum will focus on the application of knowledge with case studies and small group discussion integrated throughout the day. A flipped classroom approach will be utilized. Register early to receive the Prework Library which will be available to all registered participants by April 2024.
*This program is FREE, but pre-registration is required. NEW – Register for this program with your AUA2024 registration.
Young Urologists Forum
Saturday, May 4
8:30 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.
Cultivating Passion for Urology: Ensuring Job Satisfaction for the Future
Developed by the AUA's Young Urologists Committee, the YU Forum explores this year's topic Cultivating Passion for Urology: Ensuring Job Satisfaction for the Future. Be sure to add this popular program to your schedule.
NEW! Peer to Peer Discussions: Defining Your Personal Plan in Urology
10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Sponsored by the Young Urologists Committee, take a deeper dive into some of the most common career coaching topics with insights from your peers. This program will take place immediately following the YU Forum.
Speed Mentoring
Sunday, May 5
Another popular program developed by the Young Urologists Committee to support residents, fellows and - NEW in 2024 - medical students. This program gives residents, fellows and medical students the opportunity to meet with an esteemed group of practicing young urologists for five 10-minute mentoring sessions. Space is limited; registration is required.
If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor, please email Jordan Malloy at youngurologists@AUAnet.org.
AUA Career Fair
Looking for a new career opportunity as a urology professional? Then don't miss AUA's Career Fair at AUA2024. If you're looking for career advancement or seeking a career change, this free event will give you the opportunity to meet with employers and recruiters, check out open positions in urology across the country and network with other professionals.