Podium Presentations
Podium sessions permit the abstract author to orally present and explain the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of their research. Presenters are allotted six minutes to present, followed by a four-minute discussion with the audience and moderators.
Podium sessions are typically 2 hours in length. The format for the session is as follows:
- Introduction and overview by moderators
- Author presentations
- Closing remarks by moderators
Presentation Requirements
- Podium sessions consist of an oral presentation accompanied by PowerPoint. We cannot accommodate Prezi or other internet-based slide presentation tools.
- The opening slide must include the abstract title and authors. Though disclosure information is available on the Annual Meeting website, we encourage you to include a disclosure slide at the beginning of your presentation.
- The AUA provides slide templates. While the AUA does encourage you to use the slide template, as the consistency in background style makes the viewing of multiple abstracts within a session easier on the audience's eyes, you are not required to use the template if you prefer to use your own.
- There is no limit to the number of slides you prepare.
Slide Upload
- The AUA suggests the advance submission of slide presentations. The presenting author will receive an email once the upload site opens.
- Presentations not submitted in advance must be uploaded onsite in the Speaker Ready Room. The AV tech in the session room cannot upload individual presentations via USB.
- It is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure the correct slides have been uploaded. AUA staff will not accept presentations sent via email.
Please see Abstract Policies for additional information and policies regarding abstract presentations.
Poster Presentations
Moderated poster sessions are designed to allow the author to explain and illustrate their concepts, techniques, or research findings more visually than a podium address. Authors are expected to be present during the entire session.
Moderated poster sessions are 2 hours in length. During the first 30 minutes, presenters stand by their poster while roving moderators ask questions. Each presenter will then have 1 minute for the oral portion of the presentation followed by 2 minutes for discussion. The moderators will provide a summary of the session and select a "Best Poster" winner.
Poster Requirements
Mira Digital Publishing offers special pricing on poster printing services, including the convenience of shipping your poster directly to the Convention Center for an on-site delivery fee of $25.00. The cost to print the poster is as follows:
- 60" x 42" (152cm x 107cm) – $95
- 66" x 36" (168cm x 91cm) – $95
- 72" x 36" (183cm x 91cm) – $105
- 72" x 42" (183cm x 107cm) – $105
The deadline for uploading your poster file, for print by Mira, is April 12 at 5 p.m. ET. Please contact Mira at aua@mirasmart.com with any questions.
We cannot accommodate e-posters.
Slide Requirements
In addition to the poster, each presenter is required to prepare 2 slides for the oral portion of the presentation:
- Slide 1: Abstract data – this slide is typically a replica of the abstract poster or the most important information from the abstract/poster the presenter plans to highlight)
- Slide 2: Research summary – this slide is meant to highlight any of the research/methods used in obtaining the data for the abstract)
A cover slide with the abstract title is permitted and will not count towards the 2-slide maximum. Given the brief time allotment for the presentation, disclosure slide(s) are not needed.
Presentation Upload
- The AUA suggests the advance submission of the poster and slide presentations. The presenting author will receive an email once the upload site opens.
- Slide presentations not submitted in advance must be uploaded onsite in the Speaker Ready Room. The AV tech in the session room cannot upload individual presentations via USB.
- It is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure the correct slides have been uploaded. AUA staff will not accept presentations sent via email.
Please see Abstract Policies for additional information and policies regarding abstract presentations.
Video Abstract Presentations
Video abstract sessions provide a more visual approach to learning new and innovative techniques in the urologic field. Videos are presented in moderated sessions grouped by specific topic areas. Presenting authors must be present in their assigned session to discuss their video and take questions from the audience.
Video sessions are 2 hours in length. The format of the session is as follows:
- Introduction and opening remarks by moderators
- Presentations (video presentation followed by 2-minute Q&A)
- Closing remarks by moderators and announcement of the best video winner
Video presenters do not need to prepare slides or bring anything to the session. The accepted video will be presented in the Video Abstract Theater. Updated video files cannot be accepted.
Please see Abstract Policies for additional information and policies regarding abstract presentations.
Abstract Policies
Completion of an abstract submission affirms that all listed authors have agreed to its submission for presentation at the AUA Annual Meeting and publication of the abstract in the Journal of Urology® supplement. Submission of an abstract constitutes the author's commitment to present the abstract as accepted. The author/presenter is responsible for any expenses associated with the abstract's preparation, submission, and presentation. Registration fee waivers and travel grants are not available for abstract presenters.
The presenting author cannot be an employee of or have a financial relationship with the commercial interest that controls the content of the study or presentation.
An individual may not serve as the presenting author on more than 5 abstracts accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting.
All communications will be sent to the email address of the presenting author of record. The presenting author is responsible for communicating all notifications with their co-authors.
Prior to the AUA Annual Meeting, the contents and conclusions of the abstract must not have been presented at or published in conjunction with any scientific, medical, or educational meeting with the following exceptions:
- Studies previously submitted to AUA Sectional meetings or at the selected urologic sub-specialty societies listed here are eligible for acceptance even if previously presented or published under the scientific, medical, or educational published outlets of those meetings. Authors are strongly encouraged to provide updated data in the abstract submitted to the AUA Annual Meeting.
- Study results may be presented at closed (non-public) meetings under the condition that no meeting materials are publicly disseminated in any format.
In addition, the contents and conclusions of the abstract must not be published as a full-length research article in a scientific, medical, or educational publication (in any medium), in whole or in part, before the abstract is published online by the AUA. Full-length pre-prints (non-peer-reviewed research articles published online for public dissemination and public comments are permitted before the abstract is submitted.
Any violation of these policies may subject the abstract to rejection or removal from the AUA Annual Meeting.
P2s and Clinical Trials in Progress will be published on auajournals.org at 6 am ET on May 3.
Presentation Format
The AUA Program Committee will determine the format of non-video abstract presentations (podium or poster) and the AUA will inform the presenting author of the format at the time of acceptance notification. Pre-recorded and/or remote presentations will not be permitted.
Program Schedule
The program schedule is final upon release and no changes can be made to accommodate travel schedules or overlapping presentations. If you are unable to attend, please ask a coauthor (listed on the abstract) to present the abstract in your place. If none of the listed authors can present, the abstract will need to be withdrawn from the program.
Revisions & Presenting Author Changes
Revisions will not be accepted after the submission deadline. If the data or methods have changed since the time of submission, please feel free to use your presentation to highlight these updates.
Only authors listed on the abstract at the time of the abstract submission/acceptance are allowed to present the abstract at the AUA Annual Meeting. Colleagues familiar with the study, but not credited as an author, are not eligible to serve as a presenting author. If none of the co-authors can present, the abstract must be withdrawn.
Withdrawal Requests
Requests to withdraw an abstract must be sent to speakers@AUAnet.org. Please include the abstract number, title, and reason for withdrawal. All co-authors must be copied on the communication. Requests that do not include all authors will not be processed.
All questions related to the abstracts can be sent to speakers@AUAnet.org.