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AUA Leadership Program
As the most venerated and longstanding of AUA’s leadership initiatives, the AUA Leadership Program is designed for urologists who have demonstrated leadership skills within organized medicine and who wish to further develop these skills to become the AUA leaders of tomorrow. This highly competitive program selects applicants from each AUA Section to participate in the year-long program that includes a leadership training weekend, group projects with mentors, participation in the Annual Urology Advocacy Summit, networking events at the AUA Annual Meeting, and more.
To date, more than 200 AUA members have participated in one of ten different Leadership Program classes.
Benefits of the Leadership Program
- Develop your leadership skills
- Expand your network and accelerate your professional growth
- Learn about the AUA’s operations and sphere of influence
- Earn the recognition and prestige that comes with being an AUA Leadership Program graduate
- Be mentored by highly respected AUA Leaders
- Learn about the legislative process and advocate on behalf of the specialty
- Make significant contributions through a group project
- Be prepared to serve as a future leader in urology
Every two years, there is a selection process for the next incoming class of program participants. To qualify, candidates must be American Board of Urology (ABU) (or equivalent) certified urologists, and 15 years or less out of training, and have demonstrated leadership skills. The candidate must have an interest in developing these skills to serve their Sections and the AUA as future volunteer leaders. They must also be Active members of the AUA and the AUA Section where they live and practice.
Learn more about the current and past mentors, current and past Leadership Program classes, and 2023-2024 Leadership Program activities.
If you have further questions, please contact Jordan Malloy at or 410-689-4083.