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Get Involved: Advocacy Opportunities

AUAPAC Action Center AUA Advocacy Summit

Constituent voices are critical to advocacy success, and the AUA works in tandem with members to engage lawmakers at the state and federal levels on issues of importance to our specialty. Every member who gets involved in the advocacy process amplifies the collective voice of urology and promotes sound practice and quality patient care.

How can you get started?

Help Your Lawmakers Get to Know You

  • Attend quarterly events with lawmakers to learn about the issues they care about. Introduce yourself as a urology advocate and ask a question related to medical practice and patient care.
  • Introduce yourself to legislators and their staff during events to remind them that you are a constituent. Share with them important issues that affect patients and practice.
  • Follow up via email.

Speak Out!

  • Respond to AUA action alerts
  • Follow active campaigns by vising our Action Center

Meeting in person with lawmakers and/or their staff on specific issues can be very impactful. As a voter and a constituent, your opinion is very important to your elected officials. Consider taking the time to schedule an appointment either in your home district or at offices in Washington, DC. Inviting a lawmaker to visit your practice can also be effective!

Things to remember when meeting with a lawmaker:

  • The AUA’s Legislative & Political Affairs Department staff is available to assist you in scheduling or preparing for meetings with officials. Contact for information or assistance.
  • When scheduling your meeting, introduce yourself as a constituent.
  • A meeting with a staff member can be just as valuable as meeting directly with a legislator.
  • Before the meeting:
    • familiarize yourself with the issues
    • prepare a leave-behind packet of information. Be area–specific when possible (this shows the direct impact of an issue on the people the lawmaker represents)
  • During the meeting
    • be authentic, concise and passionate
    • tell a story of how the issues has affected you, your practice, or patients in your care
    • provide a clear "ask" –e.g., introduce a bill, support a piece of legislation, etc.
  • After the meeting
    • send a follow-up thank you message (email or physical note)
    • provide feedback to the AUA about the meeting

