The AUA Brand

What is in a Brand?
The term “brand” or “brand identity” is used to mean a set of visual and verbal elements that represent an organization, product or person. The role of the AUA’s brand identity system is to ensure that our audiences are able to recall who we are, what we do and how well we meet their needs.
Why a Strong Brand is important
A strong brand ultimately defines the success of a company. Having a strong brand helps the AUA foster a relationship with its target audience – that ultimately leads to increased sales, repeat business, member retention and loyalty. This kind of relationship also leads to less price sensitivity and lower marketing costs (our services are trusted because they carry the brand name, and the sale is “easier” because credibility exists).
Building a powerful brand increases a company’s value. It provides direction and motivation for employees, creates clarity of purpose and extends the life of an organization indefinitely.
“Brand is the story, design is the storytelling.”
- Susan Sellers, Art Director, Metropolitan Museum of Art
The AUA Brand Platform
Our brand breaks down into two distinct areas, brand positioning and visual communications. One doesn’t work without the other.
Brand Positioning
Mission and Vision Statements
Brand Pillars
Core Messages
visual communications
Color Palette
The AUA Brand Position
To be the premier professional association for the advancement of urologic patient care.
To promote the highest standards of urological clinical care through education, research and in the formulation of health care policy.
Core Messages
The AUA is a premier urologic association, providing invaluable support to the urologic community.
The AUA is a leader in providing quality, evidence-based urologic education.
The AUA is committed to supporting urologic research through funding, advocacy and scholarly exchange.
The AUA is a leading advocate for the specialty of urology.
Highest Standards
Quality Innovative