Important Security Alert - AUA Annual Meeting


Important Security Alert

AUA2025 – Important Security Alert

Beware of Fraudulent Websites!

The AUA has received several reports of attendees potentially being misled by companies that give the impression of an affiliation with the AUA and the AUA Annual Meeting. These unaffiliated, third-party companies approach attendees to provide registration, housing and other services related to AUA2025. Some of these companies’ websites may pop up through search engines, have domain names featuring AUA or AUA meeting and may even be designed to look like the official AUA2025 website.

Please Beware!

For your own protection, we strongly encourage you to register and make hotel arrangements only through the links provided through this Website. The AUA2025 website will direct you to the official registration partner (Compusystems) and the official housing partner onPeak and affiliated International Housing Partner AUA IGH.

Unauthorized companies may charge higher rates or "service charges" and cannot guarantee the same benefits and protection offered by our official partners. These companies may not protect your personal information as AUA does. Even worse, some of these companies may go out of business after accepting your reservations and deposits, leaving you without a meeting registration or hotel room. Why take the risk?

Please register and reserve your rooms only through the AUA2025 website to ensure you are receiving the best rates and secure, guaranteed reservations.