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Urethral Stricture Disease (2023)

Using AUA Guidelines

This AUA guideline is provided free of use to the general public for academic and research purposes. However, any person or company accessing AUA guidelines for promotional or commercial use must obtain a licensed copy. To obtain the licensable copy of this guideline, please contact Keith Price at

(Published 2016; Amended 2023)

To cite this guideline:
Wessells H, Morey A, Vanni A, Rahimi L, Souter L. Urethral stricture disease guideline amendment (2023). J Urol. 2023;210(1):64-71.

The Practice Guidelines Committee would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Allen Morey, MD and Dr. Lesley Souter, Ph.D. to the 2023 Guideline Amendment.

Unabridged version of this Guideline [pdf]

Urethral Stricture Guideline Amendment [pdf]

Panel Members

Hunter Wessells, MD; Kenneth W. Angermeier, MD; Sean P. Elliott, MD; Christopher M. Gonzalez, MD; Ron T. Kodama, MD; Andrew C. Peterson, MD; James Reston, PhD; Keith Rourke, MD; John T. Stoffel, MD; Alex Vanni, MD; Bryan Voelzke, MD; Lee Zhao, MD; Richard A. Santucci, MD