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Affiliate Membership
Non-Urologist Medical Doctors and Doctors of Osteopathy
2025 Membership Dues: $215
The AUA feels it is critically important to provide educational tools and training that can teach the essentials in urology to primary care providers and other non-urologist MDs who are treating patients with urologic conditions. Whether you want to stay up-to-date on the latest breakthroughs, or strive to provide the best urologic patient care, membership in the AUA provides the tools and resources to support your professional mission.
Explore Benefits for Affiliate Members!
- Save up to $361 USD on the AUA Annual Meeting, featuring the latest science and education in the field of urology.
- Enhance your knowledge and skills in treating common urologic conditions with educational programs and products developed by eminent faculty from the AUAUniversity.
- Enjoy complimentary online access to AUA’s family of publications, including Urology Practice®, AUANews and JU Open Plus. Affiliate members are also eligible for a significantly discounted subscription to The Journal of Urology®.
- Stay at the forefront of patient care with the AUA clinical practice guidelines.
- Receive up-to-date clinical resources for your practice and free patient education materials on urologic conditions through our official foundation, the Urology Care Foundation.
Affiliate Membership Eligibility and Requirements
Eligible applicants for Affiliate Membership must be:
- a (non-urologist) MD or DO who is contributing to the field of urology.
A copy of your Curriculum Vitae (typed or printed clearly in English) and a $50 application fee is required as part of the application.