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Examination Resources for Residents

AUA Self-Assessment Study Program (SASP)

SASP is the AUA's most popular study tool for exam preparation. Developed each year, SASP is a 150-question, multiple-choice practice examination that addresses the core curriculum of medical knowledge and latest advances in patient care.

Why is SASP the AUA's most popular study tool for exam preparation?

  • SASP is constructed in the same style as other AUA and ABU multiple-choice examinations.
  • SASP provides participants with their scores, the scores of their peers, and access to detailed answer commentary and scientific, references allowing participants to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in various clinical areas.
  • Participants can take the SASP open or closed book to suit their learning preference.
  • Special resident discounts are available on our Qstream format!

There are four convenient formats to meet your learning preference:

  • Booklet
  • USB (five years on one drive)
  • Online
  • Qstream – Send questions right to your smartphone, computer or tablet!

Learn more or subscribe.

