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Medical/Graduate Student Membership

Fulltime Medical and Graduate Students

Complimentary Annual Dues

This membership category provides both medical and graduate students with the resources and benefits they need to explore the urologic profession and opportunities to network with urologic experts. It is our hope that all medical/graduate students will learn the core principles and practices in urology that are important for every practicing physician to know and apply throughout their medical careers, regardless of their career path.

Urology is growing! Hear from members of the American Urological Association (AUA) about why they chose urology and why urology is the perfect specialty for medical students. Join us in truly making a difference in patients' lives.

Medical/Graduate Student Membership Benefits

High Quality Education & Lifelong Learning

Learn the essentials in urology before graduating with access to high quality educational programs and products, including the Medical Student Core Curriculum.

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Prepare for Residency

Gain a head start on a residency in urology. Learn how the Urology Residency Match Program works and participate to find a program best suited for you.

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Save and Stream the AUA2024 Virtual Meeting!

The 2024 Annual Meeting is now streaming! Start watching the latest education and urologic updates now.

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AUA2024 Presentation

Relevant News, Journals & Information

Enjoy complimentary access to Urology Practice®, companion to The Journal of Urology®, and online publications like AUANews and AUA NetNews. Medical/Graduate Student members are also eligible for a significantly discounted subscription to The Journal of Urology®.

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Medical/Graduate Student Membership Eligibility and Requirements

Eligible applicants for Medical/Graduate Student Membership must be:

  • a full-time medical student enrolled in a medical school for the purpose of obtaining an MD or equivalent degree or
  • a full-time graduate student enrolled in an accredited graduate school program for the purpose of obtaining a PhD or equivalent degree

A letter from the medical/graduate school you are attending verifying your enrollment and expected graduation date (typed or printed clearly in English) is required as part of the application.

