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2020-2021 AUA Science & Quality Fellow Program Application

Program Term

The program will run from May 2020-May 2021.

Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, February 4, 2020 for consideration.

Selection Criteria

Based on careful review of the applications and accompanying materials, one (1) fellow will be selected for the 2020-2021 program. Applicants will be notified no later than March 20, 2020. Selection will be based on a commitment and strong interest in science and quality issues as evidenced by:

  • Enthusiasm and relevance of the applicant’s essay
  • Strength of recommendations from references
  • Commitment and contributions to science & quality activities related to the AUA or other relevant medical organizations
  • Commitment and achievements in medical and non-medical leadership positions
  • Community service and volunteer activities relevant to science & quality


The award recipient must agree to participate fully in all program activities. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Participate in the ACS summer course held at Brandeis University in June 2020
  • Participate in the Quality Improvement Summit
  • Participate in a Guidelines Panel Meeting
  • Attend the Fall and Spring Science & Quality Council and Committee Meetings
  • Attend the AUA Annual Meeting

Notification Process

Letters will be emailed by March 20, 2020 to all applicants regarding their status.


Thanks to the generosity and commitment of the AUA Board of Directors, all registration fees, travel, lodging, and legitimate expenses associated with program participation will be covered. There will be no out-of-pocket expenses associated with the chosen candidate’s participation in this program.

Required Documents


Please provide two letters of recommendation attesting to involvement and knowledge in science & quality issues. One of the references must be a department or program chair.


The candidate should provide a personal statement describing experience and/or interest in science & quality issues of importance to urology and why the AUA should select them to participate in this program. The candidate should expand on how characteristics and experience have prepared them for this next step in their career and describe their commitment to serving the AUA and the profession in the future with respect to advancement of the urology science & quality agenda. The candidate should also include science & quality related professional interests, AUA interests and experience, how this experience would prepare them to assume key science & quality leadership roles on behalf of urology and how they hope to contribute to the advancement of urology’s agenda. Limit your essay to 500 words, typed and double-spaced.


Provide a recent photograph for publication should you be selected. All photographs must be at least 800x600 pixels or a minimum of 1 MB in size.

Curriculum Vitae

Please provide C.V. along with an expanded page on personal and professional leadership experiences, volunteerism, advocacy and interests relevant to science & quality.

Enter the information requested below, attach the four listed documents, verify and "sign" where indicated, and click Submit to complete this application.

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File Attachments

Upload any supporting files below. If you have any problems with submitting your documents, please email