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International Member Committee

The AUA’s International Member Committee (IMC) is comprised of representatives from international urological societies around the world that have at least 75 members in the AUA International and International-Resident-in-Training categories. The international societies that comprise the IMC are AUA’s priority partners and are provided special opportunities to engage with, and contribute to, AUA’s array of programming and activities. Representing the international voice of the AUA, the IMC provides thought leadership, feedback and counsel to the AUA Board of Directors on the needs and challenges faced by the international urologic community. In addition, the Committee works to expand the AUA’s member offerings globally and to enhance engagement between urologic professionals all over the world. Recently, the Committee supported the launch of the AUA’s Global Residents Leadership Retreat, which welcomes residents from across the globe for a unique one-day program dedicated to leadership training and development.

Image of the members of the 2024 AUA International Membership Committee at the AUA Annual MeetingThe AUA International Member Committee at the AUA2024 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

2024 International Member Societies

Argentina: Sociedad Argentina de Urología (SAU)

Australia & New Zealand: Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ)

BangladeshBangladesh Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS)

Brazil: Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia (SBU)

Chile: Sociedad Chilena de Urología (SCHU)

China: Chinese Urological Association (CUA)

Colombia: Sociedad Colombiana de Urología (SCU)

Dominican Republic: Sociedad Dominicana de Urología (SDU)

Egypt: Egyptian Urological Association (EUA)

Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU)

India: Urological Society of India (USI)

Israel: Israeli Urological Association (IUA)

Italy: Società Italiana di Urologia (SIU)

Japan: Japanese Urological Association (JUA)

Peru: Sociedad Peruana de Urología (SPU)

Philippines: Philippine Urological Association (PUA)

Spain: Asociación Española de Urología(AEU)

South Korea: Korean Urological Association (KUA)

Taiwan: Taiwan Urological Association (TUA)

United Kingdom: British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS)

