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Federal Advocacy Priorities

AUA advocacy at the federal level is among our top priorities. We work full time in Washington, DC, with lawmakers and regulators . Our work impacts both the federal and state levels to support the practice of urology, our members and their patients.

Our legislative priorities are founded on Association-wide survey data from members and sister society leaders. This critical input helped establish a responsible course of action where it is needed most. The AUA’s federal and state priorities are developed by our Legislative Affairs and State Advocacy committees, respectively. Both sets of priorities are approved by the AUA Board of Directors.

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  1. Advocate for permanent reforms for Medicare physician payment and reimbursement policies that provide stability for all practice models.
  2. Reduce administrative burdens (e.g., prior authorization, step therapy, and medical malpractice) that negatively impact the practice of medicine and patient care.
  3. Advocate to ensure access to telehealth services as an alternative health care delivery model in urology to address access to care and health care equity.
  4. Enhance healthcare outcomes by ensuring equitable access to a full range of treatment options for all urologic conditions, regardless of patient demographics, geography, or financial status.
  5. Advocate for the full spectrum of prostate cancer care including, research,US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) reforms, PSA screenings, and treatmentsfor all patients.
  6. Address the needs of the urological workforce to protect against physician burnout for the continued longevity and expansion of the profession. 
  7. Promote and protect funding for urologic research, including disparities in urologic care and patient access.
  8. Preserve the appropriate use of and payment for in-office ancillary services exception.
  9. Support policies to protect physician interests in the utilization of digital health technologies, including electronic health records and artificial intelligence, which impact the practice of urology.
  10. Encourage drug pricing and supply chain policies that ensure urologists’ ability to provide patient access to all pharmaceuticals or therapies.

The AUA's legislative priorities serve as a guide for the AUA's advocacy efforts at both the state and federal levels, but do not limit or restrict the policy issues the AUA may consider. For more information or to learn how to become involved, contact the Legislative & Political Affairs Department at

