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Allied Health Care Provider Membership
Nurses (RN, LPN, and LVN), Technicians and Medical Assistants
2025 Membership Dues: $215
The AUA serves as a reliable, reputable and relevant resource for urology healthcare professionals and prides itself on being an inclusive community, supportive of the urology healthcare team. Recognizing that physician assistants, advanced practice nurses, nurses and other allied health care professionals play a key role in the team-based delivery of care, the AUA offers tools and resources to support the successful integration of these providers into the urologic care setting.
Explore Benefits for Allied Members!
- Take advantage of more than 20 specially tailored and FREE web-based courses designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in treating common urologic conditions and improve patient care.
- Learn about the latest offerings for Advanced Practice Providers and Allied Health Care Professionals with APPNews, an exclusive newsletter just for APP and Allied members.
- Save up to $361 USD on the AUA Annual Meeting, featuring the Urologic Care for the Advanced Practice Provider Program!
- Enjoy complimentary online access to AUA’s family of publications, including Urology Practice®, AUANews and JU Open Plus. Allied Health Care Professional members are also eligible for a significantly discounted subscription to The Journal of Urology®.
- Stay at the forefront of patient care with the AUA clinical practice guidelines.
- Receive up-to-date clinical resources for your practice and free patient education materials on urologic conditions through our official foundation, the Urology Care Foundation.
Allied Membership Eligibility and Requirements
Eligible applicants for Allied Membership must be:
- primary urology healthcare team members, including:
- nurses (LPN, LVN, RN)
- technicians
- medical assistants
As part of the membership application, nurse applicants are required to submit a current nursing license. Technicians are required to submit a letter written by a practicing urologist on letterhead confirming they have completed in-service training in the field of urology under their supervisor. Medical assistants are required to submit written evidence of current CMA certification.
A $50 application fee is also required.
Are there more than three Advanced Practice Providers or Allied Health Professionals at your practice? Join together for discounted group pricing^!
Number of Applicants |
Yearly Dues per Provider |
Savings per Provider |
3-5 |
$190 |
$25 |
6-10 |
$170 |
$45 |
11-15 |
$150 |
$65 |
15+ |
$130 |
$85 |
^Practices and institutions with three or more APP or Allied members can take advantage of the following group pricing: 3-4 applicants - $190 per provider; 6-10 applicants - $170 per provider; 11-15 applicants - $150 per provider; 15+ applicants = $130 per provider. Pricing is prorated to 50% of above rates for 2025 membership after June 1, 2025. Group pricing valid for new applicants only for first year of membership. Download and complete the group membership form. [Excel file]. Email the form to