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Holtgrewe Legislative Fellowship Program

This unique fellowship prepares and educates urology residents and fellows in the legislative aspect of health policy. Holtgrewe Fellows will complete a four-week fellowship with a legislative office in Washington, D.C. and participate in major AUA advocacy initiatives, including the Annual Urology Advocacy Summit and meetings of the AUA's Public Policy Council and Legislative Affairs Committee. They will also attend the Brandeis University Executive Leadership Program in Health Policy & Management.

Program Eligibility

  • Open to all AUA residents in their research year, fellows, and first year post-graduates
  • Applicants must be a member of the AUA
  • Applicants will demonstrate a strong interest or aptitude for health policy issues and legislation
  • If a resident, the Fellow's Resident Director must sign-off on and verify that the Fellow will be available for the travel and time allotted for the program

Applications for the 2024 Applications Holtgrewe Legislative Fellowship Program are now closed.

About H. Logan Holtgrewe

H. Logan Holtgrewe, MD, FACS, has held many leadership positions within urology including the Presidency of the AUA in 1992 and 1993 and President of the American Board of Urology in 1998 and 1999. He served on the AUA Advisory Committee on Urology to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD and as Chairman on the Economics of the World Health Organization's Consultations on Prostatic Diseases. In addition to his clinical activities within urology, he was instrumental in the creation of the AUA clinical practice guidelines program. Dr. Holtgrewe maintains a special interest in socioeconomic issues of urological health care delivery and served as Chairman of the AUA's Health Policy Council from 1992 – 2001.

2024 Holtgrewe Fellow

Jacob Thatcher, DO

Jacob Thatcher, DO

Urologist, Private Practice
Rexburg, ID

Dr. Thatcher will complete his urologic surgery residency at Jefferson Health in New Jersey in July 2024. He is excited to return to his hometown in rural Southeastern Idaho to practice urology. Jacob’s passion is enhancing access to medicine in our rural communities. Dr. Thatcher currently serves as a member of the Urology Workforce Task Force. Previously, he was named National Rural Student Doctor of the Year in medical school. He is a prior Fellow of the National Rural Health Association and was previously recognized as a Paul Ambrose Scholar for his work addressing chronic pain in our rural communities.

2023 Holtgrewe Fellow

Logan Galansky, MD

Logan Galansky, MD

Urology Resident, Johns Hopkins Hospital Brady Urological Institute 
Baltimore, MD

Dr. Galansky is a urology resident at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Brady Urological Institute in Baltimore, Md. She received her medical degree from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Policy Analysis and Science, Technology, and Society from Pomona College in Claremont, Calif. Dr. Galansky currently serves as the chair of the American Urological Association’s Policy and Advocacy Resident Workgroup and as a member of the AUA State Advocacy Committee. Prior to a career in urology, Dr. Galansky served as a Senior Research Analyst for the Federal Health and Human Services Division at the Lewin Group, a policy research analytics and healthcare consulting firm, and as a Senate intern on Capitol Hill.


Past Holtgrewe Fellows


Ruchika Talwar, MD


Daniel Frendl, MD, PhD


Kevin Koo, MD, MPH, MPhil


Joshua Langston, MD, PhD


Hans C. Arora, MD, PhD


Cary W. "CJ" Stimson Jr., MD

