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Medical Student Membership Workgroup

Since launching its Medical Student membership category in 2012, the AUA has seen extensive growth in this unique membership segment and now boasts more than 2,000 medical student members worldwide. In Fall 2023, the AUA Section Secretaries Membership Council (SSMC), approved the formation of a Medical Student Membership Workgroup to help the AUA better understand and meet the needs of medical students looking to pursue a career in urology.

The membership of the Medical Student Membership Workgroup will include eight voting medical student members, representing the geographic boundaries of the eight AUA Sections, as well as representatives from Latin X, R. Frank Jones Urological Society, The Society of Women in Urology and Urology Unbound. In addition, the Committee will include physician liaisons from the AUA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, AUA Medical Student Education Committee, AUA Residents and Fellows Committee and the Society for Academic Urologists.

View Workgroup Profile

Now Accepting Applications!

The Medical Student Membership Workgroup is now accepting applications for the upcoming 2025-2026 term! One position is available for each of the following AUA Sections: Mid-Atlantic Section, New England Section, North Central Section, Western Section

Interested candidates must submit an online application, along with all required documents no later than Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Notification of decisions will be sent by March 31, 2025.

Workgroup Mission:

The AUA Medical Student Membership Workgroup will foster and grow a strong network of engaged medical students that can facilitate AUA’s understanding of medical student needs. It will also aim to expand AUA’s reach and influence among medical students while supporting efforts to increase diversity in the field of urology by engaging Under-Represented in Medicine (URM) medical students.

Workgroup Member Eligibility Requirements:

  • Current member of the AUA in the Medical Student category (Note: AUA membership for medical students is free)
  • Enrolled as a medical student in an accredited MD or DO program (years two through four during term(s) of service) within AUA Section boundaries

Workgroup Member Qualifications/Responsibilities:

  • Desire to assess and address the needs of medical student members of the AUA
  • Willingness to contribute to and execute action plans of the workgroup
  • Must be available to participate in 2-3 teleconferences per year

Application Requirements:

  • Brief statement of interest (50-100 words)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • One letter of recommendation from an AUA member
Apply Now

For questions about the Medical Student Membership Workgroup, please email us at

Additional Resources

Medical Student Membership

Medical Student Curriculum

Why Urology?

