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If you have questions or would like to directly discuss your options with AQUA, connect with one of our Registry Coordinators.

Contact Us

Solo & Private Practices

What can the AQUA Registry do for me and my practice?

The AUA’s AQUA Registry is changing the way providers improve their quality management. A national urology specific registry, AQUA is designed to support your quality improvement efforts and has emerged as the leading registry for urologic data.

  • Track & improve quality reporting
  • Benchmark performance
  • Monitor, track and report on urology-specific measures
  • Experience a user-friendly, interactive dashboard
  • Improve healthcare quality and treatment outcomes using real-world data
  • Advance your professional development
  • Optimize your MIPS reporting with both urology-specific and general QPP measures

Most private practices take a personal approach to how they manage their quality reporting- and so do we! AQUA optimizes MIPS reporting for private practices, making the Total MIPS Solution their preferred subscription option.

Visit our enrollment page for more pricing options or contact our team with your questions.

Dates to Remember

April 1, 2024 – December 2, 2024
- 2024 MVP registration window.
- To register, sign into the QPP website with your HCQIS Access and Roles Profile (HARP) account. *Account is needed to complete Registration

June 30, 2024
- EHR and PM system changes are not advisable beyond this point as it may delay the delivery of the AQUA Registry Dashboard.

July 1, 2024
- Deadline to sign-up, or upgrade, to an AQUA Registry MIPS reporting option for 2024.

