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International Resident-in-Training Membership

Residents outside AUA Section Boundaries

2025 Membership Dues: $115/$75/$50*

International Residents-in-Training in “A” countries now join for just $115. That is a $35 savings from last year. View Membership Dues by Country

Start early, start right and take advantage of all the valuable resources and benefits the AUA has to offer residents and fellows. Join your colleagues from around the world and access the tools and opportunities to help you succeed during all stages of your career in urology.

Explore benefits for International-Resident-in-Training Members!

  • Save up to $429 USD on AUA Annual Meeting, featuring the latest science and education in the field of urology.
  • Access discounted and member-only resources for continuing medical education (CME) and lifelong learning, including multi-language webinars, from the AUAUniversity and AUAUniversity Spanish.
  • Stay at the forefront of patient care with the AUA clinical practice guidelines, including a selection of translated guidelines produced in collaboration with international society partners.
  • Enjoy complimentary online access to AUA’s family of publications, including The Journal of Urology®, Urology Practice®, AUANews, JU Open Plus and Global Connections.
  • Grow your career with the Institute for Leadership and Business, featuring the Global Residents Leadership Retreat, international resident exchange programs educational resources and more.
Join Today

International Resident-in-Training Membership Eligibility and Requirements

Eligible applicants for International Resident-in-Training Membership must be:

  • a resident enrolled in an accredited urology residency training program outside of the U.S., Canada, Mexico or Central America.

A letter signed by your residency program director on letterhead confirming you are a resident in good standing and your expected graduation date (typed or printed clearly in English) is required as part of the application.

*dues for International Resident members are stratified according to World Bank classification of country. View membership dues by country.

To access membership dues rates for those residing in countries outside the United States within AUA Section boundaries, including Canada and Mexico, click here.

