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Dates to Remember

April 1, 2024 – December 2, 2024
- 2024 MVP registration window.
- To register, sign into the QPP website with your HCQIS Access and Roles Profile (HARP) account. *Account is needed to complete Registration

June 30, 2024
- EHR and PM system changes are not advisable beyond this point as it may delay the delivery of the AQUA Registry Dashboard.

July 1, 2024
- Deadline to sign-up, or upgrade, to an AQUA Registry MIPS reporting option for 2024.

2024 – 2025 Residency Research Award Recipients

Kevin Shee, MD, PhD

Kevin Shee, MD, PhD

Project Title: "Determining the Role of the Tumor Microenvironment Secretome on Response to Phosphoinositide 3-kinase Pathway Inhibition in Prostate Cancer"
Institution: University of California, San Francisco
Mentor: Hao Nguyen, MD, PhD
Sponsor: Robert J. Krane, MD, Urology Research Fund

Brandon Wahba, MD

Brandon Wahba, MD

Project Title: "Immune Microenvironment in Orthotopic Models of Prostate Cancer in Immunocompetent Mice"
Institution: Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Mentor: Christopher Barbieri, MD, PhD
Sponsor: Robert J. Krane, MD, Urology Research Fund

Gal Wald, MD

Gal Wald, MD

Project Title: "Outcomes of Metastatic Urothelial Cancer Patients Selected for Surgery after Immunotherapy"
Institution: Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Mentor: Eugene Pietzak, MD
Sponsor: Russell Scott, Jr., MD, Urology Research Fund