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Practice Managers' Network (PMN)

The Practice Managers’ Network is now a free subscription! What does the new PMN offer?

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The PMN is a FREE SUBSCRIPTION and includes:

  • Subscription to PMN e-News – This monthly newsletter features content curated just for practice professionals, delivered right to your inbox. We like to profile success stories from different practices, so we welcome your input into this updated newsletter. Email us your stories and photos at
  • Digital subscription to AUANews [new benefit] – Now practice professionals can stay up to date on urology and the AUA with a digital subscription to the AUA’s official member magazine.
  • Subscription to Policy & Advocacy Brief – This periodic e-newsletter keeps you up to date on the policy and advocacy issues impacting urology, including state insurance updates.
  • Discounts on AUA’s coding and practice management education — PMN subscribers will receive a 20% discount on AUA’s quarterly coding updates, AUA CodingPlus, and other practice management education.
  • Discount to AUA CodingToday – This comprehensive online coding tool helps your practice optimize its coding! Features include a unique bundling matrix, complete diagnosis codes, the latest fee schedules and more.