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International Male Circumcision Program
HIV-AIDS Prevention Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa
The magnitude of the HIV-AIDS epidemic remains staggering and can only be conquered through large scale collaborations among international organizations. Three large, randomized clinical trials have documented that the transmission of HIV is decreased by 50% to 60% for heterosexual, non HIV-infected men in Sub-Saharan Africa, by performing male circumcision. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called these studies "compelling" and the efficacy of male circumcision "proven beyond reasonable doubt." WHO has stated that male circumcision should be recognized as an important strategy for HIV prevention in heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Realizing the pivotal role of urology in male circumcision, the AUA established a Male Circumcision Task Force and is proud to participate in an a collective effort to support the scale-up of adult male circumcision services in sub-Saharan Africa for the prevention of HIV-AIDS.
The AUA's main role in this project is to organize international volunteers, starting with AUA members, to support the scale-up of adult male circumcision services in Africa. These services are provided to governmental and non-governmental sites in sub-Saharan Africa in areas where the prevalence of HIV infection is high and the prevalence of male circumcision is low.
In order to prepare volunteers, the AUA conducts a Male Circumcision Volunteer Training course at AUA Annual Meeting for urologists and residents interested in volunteering their services through this project. Through these efforts, the AUA continues to create a pool of highly qualified and vetted male circumcision volunteer urologists to fulfill the capacity needs in sub-Saharan Africa.
Since 2010, the AUA has worked with non-government organizations and Ministries of Health to send dozens of volunteers to Sub-Saharan Africa to perform adult male circumcisions. As more countries increase their efforts and receive the necessary funding and support, the need for volunteers will continue to grow.
If you are interested in participating in the AUA Male Circumcision Program, email the AUA International Programs department with the following:
- Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
- Two letters of recommendation from 2 physician colleagues who are familiar with your personal characteristics and reputation in your practice environment
To find out more about AUA's Male Circumcision Program in Sub-Saharan Africa, contact the AUA at
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