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A Decade of AQUA Registry Data

Developed by urologists for urologists, the AUA Quality (AQUA) Registry is a national Qualified Clinical Data Registry designed to measure, report, and improve health care quality and patient outcomes.

Since its inception, in 2014, the AQUA Registry has collected millions of patient records across the entire spectrum of urologic care. The data have been an invaluable resource for things like research projects, strategic planning, as well as policy work. For instance, Dr. Hung-Jui (Ray) Tan, MD, MSHPM, AQUA Subcommittee Chair, noted AQUA’s role in providing real-world clinical data on current topics such as overactive bladder and low-risk prostate cancer:

“[These articles] have provided important insights into gaps in contemporary urology care, and we are seeing how these findings have been used to support funding initiatives from both private and public sectors.”

Additionally, as we reflect on the past decade, we would like to share some of the important milestones we have reached together:

A Decade of AQUA Registry Data

To learn more about the AQUA Registry, visit us at

Dates to Remember

April 1, 2024 – December 2, 2024
- 2024 MVP registration window.
- To register, sign into the QPP website with your HCQIS Access and Roles Profile (HARP) account. *Account is needed to complete Registration

June 30, 2024
- EHR and PM system changes are not advisable beyond this point as it may delay the delivery of the AQUA Registry Dashboard.

July 1, 2024
- Deadline to sign-up, or upgrade, to an AQUA Registry MIPS reporting option for 2024.

