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Newly Elected Honorary Members

AUA Honorary Membership is reserved for scientists who have achieved outstanding prominence in a field of medicine related to Urology, Officers of the Association, and/or distinguished urologists. Each October, the AUA Immediate Past President nominates individuals for Honorary Membership. The following individuals were elected to the 2025 Honorary Membership.

Miguel A. Costa

Miguel A. Costa

For exemplary work in advancing international urologic education in Argentina and collaborations with the SAU and AUA.

Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, MBA

Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, MBA

For innumerable contributions to urologic leadership, as an innovator, teacher, mentor, and role model.
Larry I. Lipshultz, MD

Larry I. Lipshultz, MD

For unapparelled contributions to the study and treatment of male infertility, and for unwavering service to the AUA in all its facets.

Harris M. Nagler, MD

Harris M. Nagler, MD 

For dedicated commitment to the field of male reproductive health, and for inspiring leadership within the AUA and Urology Care Foundation

Willie Underwood, MD, MSc, MPH

Willie Underwood, MD, MSc, MPH    

For an outstanding record of leadership and achievement in health policy, advocacy, and education.

If you have inquiries about the historical list of Honorary Members, please contact