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Care of Patients with Urologic Malignancy

The American Urological Association (AUA) and the Urology Care Foundation are concerned about the quality of care delivered to patients who are treated for genitourinary malignancies without the involvement of qualified urologists. The AUA and the Urology Care Foundation support the concept that properly qualified urologists should be involved in all aspects of the care of a patient with genitourinary malignancies, including initial referral, diagnosis and subsequent management—including surgery chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy. The AUA and the Urology Care Foundation also support the subsequent involvement of other specialists, in addition to urologists, in caring for patients with genitourinary malignancies following diagnosis as it is understood that the involvement of other professionals—including urologic oncologists, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists—can optimize patient care.

Board of Directors, May 1990
Board of Directors, September 1995 (Revised)
Board of Directors, January 2001 (Reaffirmed)
Board of Directors, February 2005 (Revised)
Board of Directors, October 2008 (Revised)
Board of Directors, October 2013 (Reaffirmed)
Board of Directors, October 2018 (Reaffirmed)

